Wereldrokersdag 2002: Bijlage 1

Risicofactoren longkanker

Factor Referentie Relatief Risico bij hoogste blootstelling   95% betrouwbaar­heidsnivo
Familiehistorie van longkanker Samet (1986) 5.3 (+430%) (2.2‑12.8)
Ooi (1986) 2.4 (+140%)  
Horwitz (1988) 2.8 (+180%) (1.0‑7.7)
Wu (1988) 3.9 (+290%) (2.0‑7.6)
Brownson (1997) 2.7 (+170%) (1.2‑6.1)
Persoonlijke historie van TBC Hinds (1982) 10.0 (+900%) (1.1‑90.1)
Gao (1987) 6.4 (+540%)  
Wu (1988) 1.7 (+70%) (1.1‑2.4)
Sakurai (1989) 8.2 (+720%) (1.3‑54.4)
b‑caroteen/vitamine A deficiëntie Ziegler (1986) 2.2 (+120%)  
b‑caroteen/vitamine A inname Wu (1985) 0.3 (-70%) (P=0.06 trend)
Byers (1987) 0.2 (-80%)  
Pastorino (1987) 0.4 (-60%) (0.2‑0.9)
Candelora (1992) 0.4 (-60%) (0.2‑0.8)
Alcohol consumptie Pollack (1984) 2.19 (+119%) (1.3‑5.0)
Dieet cholesterol/vet Goodman (1988) 2.2 (+120%) (1.3‑3.8)
Dieet vet inname Wynder (1987) 4‑6 (+300-500%)  
Alavanja (1993) 6.14 (514%) (2.63‑14.40)
De Stefani (1997) 2.85 (+185%) (1.73‑4.69)
Vegetarisch dieet Le Marchand (1989) 0.6 (-40%) (0.4‑0.88)
Jain (1990) 0.3 (-70%) (P=0.009 trend)
Candelora (1992) 0.2 (-80%) (0.1‑0.5)
Alavanja (1993) 0.61 (-39%) (0.37‑0.99)
Axelsson (1996) 0.37 (-63%) (0.23‑0.61)
Sankaranarayanan (1994) 0.32 (-68%) (0.13‑0.78)
Fruit inname   Koo (1988) 0.4 (-60%) (0.2‑0.9)
Candelora (1992) 0.6 (-40%) (0.3‑1.1)
Melk consumptie Mettlin (1989) 2.1 (+110%) (1.4‑3.2)
Rylander (1996) 1.73 (+73%) (1.0‑3.01)
Axelsson (1996) 1.73 (+73%) (1.0‑3.01)
Hormoon therapie bij vrouwen Adami (1989) 1.3 (+30%)  
Radon  Edlin (1984) 4.3 (+330%) (1.7‑10.6)
Lees (1987) 2.4 (+140%) (0.8‑7.1)
Kookmethoden Gao (1987) 1.4‑2.6 (+40-160%) (1.1‑5.0)
Mumford (1987) 5.6 (+460%) (3.4‑9.1)
Geng (1988) 1.9 (+90%) (1.1‑3.3)
Sobue (1990) 2‑3 (+100-200%)  
Ko (1997) 8.3 (+730%) (3.1‑22.7)
Uitlaatgassen Hayes (1989) 1.5 (+50%) (1.2‑1.9)
Jacobsson (1997) 2.0 (+100%) (1.5‑2.6)
Gustavsson (1990) 2.4 (+140%) (1.3‑4.5)
Sociaal-economische status Brown (1975) 2.6‑3.8 (+160-280%)  
Ventilatie functie Lange (1990) 2‑4 (+100-300%)  
Cardiale anomalieën Tenkanen (1987) 2.4 (+140%)  
Fysieke inactiviteit Albanes (1989) 1.6 (+60%) (1.2‑3.5)
Severson (1989) 1.4 (+40%) (1.0‑2.1)
Psycho-sociale karaktereigenschappen  Kulessa (1989) 2‑3 (+100-200%)  
Knekt (1996) 3.32 (+232%) (1.53‑7.20)
Stad/platteland risico ratio Shy (1984) 1.2‑2.8 (+20-180%)  
Arseen opname Tsuda (1995) 15.69 (+1469%) (7.38‑31.02)
Vitamine E Yong (1997) 0.36 (-64%) (0.16‑0.83)
Hoge opleiding van Loon (1997) 0.53 (-47%) (0.34‑0.82)
Vitamine A,C en E inname Yong (1997) 0.32 (-68%) (0.14‑0.74)
Groente en fruit consumptie Agudo (1997) 0.45 (-55%) (0.22‑0.91)
Asbest  blootstelling Oksa (1997) 10.0 (+900%) (6.9‑14.0)
Zhu & Wang (1993) 5.32 (+432%)  
Dement (1994) 2.3 (+130%) (1.88‑2.79)
Raffin (1993) 3.31 (+231%)  
Fysieke activiteit   Thune (1997) 0.39 (-61%) (0.18‑0.85)
Lee (1994) 0.39 (-61%) (0.18‑0.85)
Bier drinken Potter (1992) 2.0 (+100%) (1.02‑3.8)

Toelichting tabel:

De eerste kolom beschrijft het onderzochte type risicofactor. De tweede kolom geeft de naam van de eerste auteur van elk onderzoek dat gerapporteerd is over de betreffende risicofactor. De complete bibliografie van elk onderzoek kan op auteursnaam opgezocht worden in de lijst van referenties.

De derde kolom toont de meest waarschijnlijke en beste schatting van het hoogste risico voor die co-factor zoals dat in dat onderzoek gemeld is. Het gaat hier om relatieve risico’s, dat wil zeggen, risico’s die zijn bepaald ten opzichte van een groep mensen die niet dat bepaalde risico liepen.

Een risico waarde groter dan 1 geeft een verhoogd risico weer, getallen onder de 1 geven een verlaagd risico door de betreffende factor aan. Vetgedrukte RR’s geven aan welke positieve verbanden significant zijn volgens epidemiologische standaarden in Bijlage 2.

De vierde en laatste kolom geeft het 95% betrouwbaarheidsinterval voor de gemelde relatieve risico’s. Het geeft het gebied aan waarvan met 95% zekerheid kan worden aangenomen dat het risico tussen de onder- en bovenwaarde zit.

Voorbeelden: 1.50 = 50% verhoogd risico, 2.50 = 150% verhoogd risico, 0.75 is 25% verminderd risico


  1. Adami H, et al.: Risk of Cancer in Women Receiving Hormone Replacement Therapy.  Int. J. Cancer 44:833-439 (1989).
  2. Alavanja M: Saturated Fat Intake and Lung Cancer Risk Among Nonsmoking Women in Missouri. J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 85(23):1906-16 (1993).
  3. Albanes D: Physical Activity and the Risk of Cancer in the NHANES I Population. Am. J. Pub. Health, 79:744‑50 (1989).
  4. Agudo A, et al.: Vegetable and Fruit Intake and the Risk of Lung Cancer in Women in Barcelona, Spain. Eur. J. Cancer, 33:1256‑61 (1997).
  5. Axelsson G, et al.: Dietary Factors and Lung Cancer Among Men in West Sweden. Int. J. Epidemiol., 25:32-39 (1996).
  6. Brown S, et al.: The Association of Economic Status With the Occurrence of Lung Cancer. Cancer, 36:1903‑11 (1975).
  7. Byers T, et al.: Diet and Lung Cancer Risk: Findings from the Western New York Diet Study. Am. J. Epidemiol., 125:351-63 (1987).
  8. Brownson R, et al.: Family History of Cancer and Risk of Lung Cancer in Lifetime Non-Smokers and Long-Term ExSmokers. Int. J. Epidemiol., 26(2):256-63 (1997).
  9. Candelora E, et al.: Dietary Intake and Risk of Lung Cancer in Women Who Never Smoked. Nutr. Cancer, 17(3):26370 (1992).
  10. Dement J, et al.: Follow‑Up Study of Chrisotyle Asbestos Textile Workers: Cohort Mortality and Case‑Control Analyses. Am. J. ‑Tnd. Med., 26:431‑47 (1994).
  11. Doll R, et al. (1994): Mortality in relation to smoking: 40 years’ observations in male British doctors. Br Med J, 309:901‑911.
  12. De Stefani E, et al.: Fatty Foods and the Risk of Lung Cancer: A Case-Control Study From Uruguay. Int. J. Cancer, 71:760-66 (1997).
  13. Edlin C, et al.: Radon in Homes-A Possible Cause of Lung Cancer. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health, 10:25-34 (1984).
  14. Gao Y, et al.: Lung Cancer Among Chinese Women. Int. J. Cancer, 40:604-09 (1987).
  15. Geng G, et al.: On the Relationship Between Smoking and Female Lung Cancer. In: Smoking and Health 1987 (Aoki M,et al., eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 483-86 (1988).
  16. Goodman M, et al.: The Effect of Dietary Cholesterol and Fat on the Risk of Lung Cancer in Hawaii. Am. J. Epidemiol., 128:1241-55 (1988).
  17. Gori GB, Luik JC : Passive smoke: The EPA’s betrayal of science and policy. The Fraser Institute, Vancouver (1999).
  18. Gustavsson P, et al.: Lung Cancer and Exposure to Diesel Exhaust Among Bus Garage Workers. Scand. J. Work Environ. Health, 16:334‑54 (1990).
  19. Hayes R, et al.: Lung Cancer in Motor Exhaust-Related Occupations. Am. J. Ind. Med., 16:685-95 (1989).
  20. Hinds M, et al.: Tuberculosis and Lung Cancer Risk in Non-Smoking Women. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., 125:776-78 (1982).
  21. Horwitz R, et al.: An Ecogenetic Hypothesis for Lung Cancer in Women. Arch. Intern. Med., 148:2609-12 (1988).
  22. Jain M, et al.: Dietary Factors and Risk of Lung Cancer: Results from a Case-Control Study, Toronto, 1981-85. Int. J. Cancer, 45:287-93 (1990).
  23. Knekt P, et al.: Elevated Lung Cancer Risk Among Persons With Depressed Mood. Am. J. Epidemiol., 144:1096‑103 (1996).
  24. Ko Y-C, et al.: Risk Factors for Primary Lung Cancer Among Non-Smoking Women in Taiwan. Int. J. Epidemiol., 26:24-31 (1997).
  25. Koo L: Dietary Habits and Lung Cancer Risk Among Chinese Females in Hong Kong Who Never Smoked. Nutr. Cancer, 11:155-72 (1988).
  26. Kvale G, et al.: Occupational Exposure and Lung Cancer Risk. Int. J. Cancer, 37:185‑93 (1986).
  27. Kulessa C, et al.: Psychosocial Personality Traits and Cigarette Smoking Among Bronchial Carcinoma Patients. Stress Med., 5:37‑46 (1989).
  28. Lange P, et al.: Ventilatory Function and Chronic Mucus Hypersecretion as Predictors of Death from Lung Cancer. Am. Rev. Respir. Dis., 141:613‑17 (1990).
  29. Lee I, Paffenbarger R: Physical Activity and Its Relation to Cancer Risk.Med. Sci. Sport Exerc., 26:831‑37 (1994).
  30. Lees R, et al.: A Case-Control Study of Lung Cancer Relative to Domestic Radon Exposure. Int. J. Epidemiol., 16:7-12 (1987).
  31. Le Marchand L, et al.: Vegetable Consumption and Lung Cancer Risk: A Population-Based Case-Control Study in Hawaii. J. Nat. Cancer Inst., 81:1158-64 (1989).

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  • "Es ist schwieriger, eine vorgefaßte Meinung zu zertrümmern als ein Atom."
    (Het is moeilijker een vooroordeel aan flarden te schieten dan een atoom.)
    Albert Einstein

  • "Als je alles zou laten dat slecht is voor je gezondheid, dan ging je kapot"
    Anonieme arts

  • "The effects of other people smoking in my presence is so small it doesn't worry me."
    Sir Richard Doll, 2001

  • "Een leugen wordt de waarheid als hij maar vaak genoeg wordt herhaald"
    Joseph Goebbels, Minister van Propaganda, Nazi Duitsland

  • "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
    Mahatma Gandhi

  • "There''s no such thing as perfect air. If there was, God wouldn''t have put bristles in our noses"
    Coun. Bill Clement

  • "Better a smoking freedom than a non-smoking tyranny"
    Antonio Martino, Italiaanse Minister van Defensie

  • "If smoking cigars is not permitted in heaven, I won't go."
    Mark Twain

  • I've alllllllways said that asking smokers "do you want to quit?" and reporting the results of that question, as is, is horribly misleading. It's a TWO part question. After asking if one wants to quit it must be followed up with "Why?" Ask why and the majority of the answers will be "because I'm supposed to" (victims of guilt and propaganda), not "because I want to."
    Audrey Silk, NYCCLASH