Hoofd- en halskanker niet afhankelijk van roken of alcoholgebruik
Al jaren wordt ons voorgehouden dat roken de veroorzaker is van kankers in de hoofd- en halsstreek, maar nieuw onderzoek toont aan dat er helemaal geen verband bestaat.
“Head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (HNSCC) have been causally associated with tobacco and alcohol exposure. … Conclusions: This data suggests that the overall accumulated chromosomal aberrations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma are not significantly influenced by the severity of tobacco/alcohol exposure with limited exceptions.”
However, 10–15% of HNSCC develop in absence of significant carcinogen exposure. Several lines of evidence suggest that the genetic composition of HNSCC varies based on the extent of tobacco/alcohol exposure, however, no genome wide measures have been applied to address this issue. We used comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) to screen for the genetic aberrations in 71 patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma and stratified the findings by the status of tobacco/alcohol exposure.
En alweer glipt er een argument van de anti-rokers tussen de vingers weg…