Vaccin tegen genieten
Farmaceuten zijn bezig met de ontwikkeling van een vaccin dat verslavingen al op vroege leeftijd moet tegengaan. Het vaccin zou moeten voorkomen dat receptoren voor genotsmiddelen nog reageren op zaken als nicotine, alcohol of heroine. Daardoor zou de kans op verslavingen voor een groot deel uit de wereld kunnen worden geholpen.
Het verslavingssprookje blijft de farmaceuten inspireren. Gigantische markten lonken. Wat echter vergeten wordt is dat genieten levensnoodzakelijk is. Door het genotscentrum in de hersenen (selectief?) te verlammen worden alle ethische grondwetten geschonden…
CHILDREN could be injected with an “anti-junkie” vaccination being developed by drug companies under a radical plan to combat rising addiction.
Under the plan, being considered by British MPs, doctors would immunise at birth babies considered to be at risk of becoming nicotine or drug addicts. The injection would be similar to an inoculation for measles or mumps.
Doctors believe the childhood jab would block the euphoric effects of drugs later in life, rendering useless narcotics such as heroin and cocaine.
Scientific trials on drug vaccinations have already proved successful.
Xenova, the British biotechnology company, has tested an anti-cocaine vaccine which showed that 58 per cent of patients remained cocaine-free for three months.
The anti-drug vaccination is expected to be available to adult users as a nasal spray within two years.
British MPs called on the vaccination proposal to be investigated.
But Queensland Council of Civil Liberties president Ian Dearden said significant scientific and ethical problems overshadowed an immunisation plan in desperate need of public debate.
“Parents would need to know it is not the equivalent of a female circumcision that could take away a person’s genuine entitlement to feel pleasure,” Mr Dearden said.