Nicotine kan voorkomen dat je gek wordt
Nieuw onderzoek aan de Universiteit van Chicago heeft weer eens aangetoond dat nicotine een goed geneesmiddel kan zijn tegen Alzheimer, Parkinson’s, schizofrenie en allerhande andere gedragsproblemen als ADHD.
Maar uiteraard is dat alleen een goede toepassing als nicotine farmaceutisch wordt toegediend….
Nicotine could soon be rehabilitated as a treatment for schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, as well as hyperactivity disorders.
Research shows that the chemical that has addicted millions to smoking has a powerful impact on brain activity in patients who suffer from psychiatric and degenerative disorders.
Some experiments have shown that nicotine can slow down the onset of Parkinson’s symptoms; others have had revealed its power in curtailing the hallucinations of schizophrenics.
‘A whole range of psychiatric conditions seem to be helped by nicotine,’ said Dr Dan McGehee, a neurobiologist at the University of Chicago. ‘However, such benefits do not justify smoking. The lethal effects of cigarettes far outweigh any help they provide. On the other hand, our research does suggest that derivatives of nicotine, administered medically, could help to alleviate a range of psychiatric problems.’
Warning: nicotine seriously improves health
Demonized Nicotine May Smoke Diseases
The Times of India