Kritiek op ondemocratische EU

Nog geen maand nadat antirokengroepen uit Europa er in geslaagd waren om de TICAP-conferentie tegen rookverboden uit het Europarlement te weren, komt er plotseling onverwachte steun uit diezelfde EU. Niemand minder dan de Tsjechische president Vaclav Klaus, het land dat nu roulerend voorzitter is van de EU, gaf in een toespraak tot het parlement aan dat de EU steeds ondemocratischer wordt. Geluiden die tegengesteld zijn aan de opinie van de EU worden geweerd en dat begint te lijken op het opereren van de oude Sovjet Unie, aldus de president. En de organisatie kost handenvol geld van de belastingbetaler.

De toespraak leverde veel protest op in het Europarlement: diverse parlementsleden liepen boos weg.

TICAP overweegt nu om de president als erelid voor te dragen. 

BRUSSELS –The European Union has turned into an undemocratic and elitist project comparable to the Communist dictatorships of eastern Europe that forbade alternative thinking, Czech President Vaclav Klaus told the European Parliament on Thursday.

Klaus, whose country now holds the rotating EU presidency, set out a scathing attack on the EU project and its institutions, provoking boos from many lawmakers, some of whom walked out, but applause from nationalists and other anti-EU legislators.

Klaus is known for deep skepticism of the EU and has refused to fly the EU flag over his official seat in Prague during the Czech presidency, saying the country is not an EU province.

He said current EU practices smacked of communist times when the Soviet Union controlled much of eastern Europe, including the Czech Republic and when dissent or even discussions were not tolerated.

“Not so long ago, in our part of Europe we lived in a political system that permitted no alternatives and therefore also no parliamentary opposition,” said Klaus. “We learned the bitter lesson that with no opposition, there is no freedom.”

He said the 27-nation bloc should concentrate on offering prosperity to Europeans, rather than closer political union, and scrap a stalled EU reform treaty that Irish voters have already rejected.

Klaus said that questioning deeper integration has become an “uncriticizable assumption that there is only one possible and correct future of the European integration.”

“The enforcement of these notions … is unacceptable,” Klaus said. “Those who dare thinking about a different option are labeled as enemies.” Observers had been expecting Klaus to deliver a critical speech during his first and only visit to the EU chamber at a time when his country holds the EU limelight as chair of the 27-nation bloc.

“I have never experienced a situation where the presidency of the European Union … compares the EU with the Soviet Union,” said Belgian lawmaker Ivo Belet.

Czech president compares EU to Soviet Union over de toespraak

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