En ze doen het alweer! Al de derde keer bewerkt een platenmaatschappij de hoesfoto van een Beatles cd.
In de oude foto’s van de Beatles zijn steevast sigaretten te ontwaren en blijkbaar vinden sommige platenbazen dat politiek incorrect. Ze gaan zelfs zó ver dat ze met het wegretoucheren van de sigaretten niet eens problemen hebben met het amputeren van twee vingers van Ringo Starr….
Beatles: No smoking
(Tuesday March 28, 2006 11:23 AM)
The history of The Beatles has been rewritten by their record label, after the artwork of a forthcoming re-release was changed to remove the band’s cigarettes.
The new compilation “Capitol Albums Volume 2” is scheduled to be reissued next month but the cover has been altered by EMI to disguise the Fab Four’s smoking habits.
On the original cover, Paul McCartney, John Lennon and George Harrison could be seen holding cigarettes. However the new artwork has reportedly erased the offending items plus two of Ringo’s fingers.
The decision appears to have been taken in recognition of the growing condemnation surrounding smoking in the UK in the 21st century.
This is understood to be the third time record company bosses have changed original Beatles artwork because of the presence of cigarettes.
When “I Want To Hold Your Hand” was reissued in the USA in 1984, McCartney’s was removed, while a US company did the same thing on a new poster for “Abbey Road” three years ago.
Gebeurden dit soort dingen ook niet in boeken als Brave New World en 1984?