Eén op tien banen weg in New Yorkse horeca
Nieuw onderzoek onder 300 bars en hotels in New York wijst uit dat sinds de invoering van het rookverbod in de horeca in die stad veel barmannen en -vrouwen, maar ook ander bedienend personeel, zijn/haar baan vaarwel heeft kunnen zeggen. Tweederde van de ondervraagden meldde een teruggang in het aantal klanten.
The research was undertaken by an independent New York research company International Communications Research and was based on a survey of 300 bars, cocktail lounges and hotels in the city.
It showed that two-thirds of all establishments reported a decline in the number of customers since the ban was introduced. Establishments reported an average decline of 17 per cent in the number of waiters and waitresses they employed while there was an 11 per cent drop in the number of bartenders.
The three Irish associations released a joint statement: “The findings of this research provides concrete proof of the negative impact that the smoking ban has had on the hospitality sector in New York. Until now we have been listening to anecdotal evidence from health and City experts talking about business booming. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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