Vrije stemming over rookverbod
Morgen, 14 februari, wordt in het Engelse parlement gestemd over een rookverbod in de Engelse pubs. Het voorstel van de Engelse minister van Volksgezondheid, waarin alleen pubs waar géén voedsel wordt genuttigd een uitzondering op een algeheel rookverbod krijgen, is min of meer van tafel en het rookverbod is een vrije kwestie geworden. Dit houdt in dat alles nog mogelijk is van totaal géén rookverbod tot een totaal rookverbod. Elk parlementslid is vrij een bepaald voorstel in te dienen of voorstellen te verwerpen.
Inmiddels komt, op de valreep, een sterke beweging op gang tégen het rookverbod.
Hoewel de anti-rokers in Engeland anders wilden doen geloven blijkt dat er veel weerstand is onder werkers in de horeca:
Licensees and bar staff in England strongly oppose a total ban on smoking in pubs, clubs and bars. Most support the current government proposal to allow smoking to continue in licensed premises that do not serve food (73 per cent). The results are in stark contrast to the position recently voiced by some trade representatives, who have publicly expressed their support for a total ban.
According to the poll, only 24 per cent of licensees and bar staff agree with the amendments proposed by Kevin Barron, which would see a total ban in all enclosed public places, with no exemptions.
In a separate question, 85 per cent of licensees and staff think smoking should continue to be allowed in pubs to some degree. 70 per cent of respondents agreed that smoking should be allowed to continue in any licensed premises, provided there are separate smoking and non-smoking areas.
The poll also found strong support for a scheme that would allow any licensed premises to apply for a ‘smoking’ license, provided they meet nationally agreed criteria, such as segregated areas and effective ventilation. 81 percent of the sample believed the scheme, which would place all licensed premises on a level playing field when deciding upon smoking policy, would be a fair and viable alternative to the measures currently outlined in the Health Bill.
UK ventilation Myth
Email against the ban (Zend online een boodschap naar 50 parlementariërs)