Ventilatie werkt prima!
“Ventilatie kan niet opboksen tegen de tweede hands rook die door rokers wordt veroorzaakt” is het adagium in de anti-rokers wereld. Daarom moet de horeca maar rookvrij worden.
Uit deze reportage uit Toronto, Canada, blijkt dat dat geenszins het geval hoeft te zijn als je het maar slim aanpakt:
What makes the Black Dog exceptional is that even when it’s chock full of smokers, it’s healthier to breathe here than in entirely nonsmoking restaurants–and the City of Toronto is ham-handedly trying to solve a problem that the canny entrepreneur long ago eliminated himself. “Customers love it,” says Rueter, who started the pub a decade ago. “Their wife doesn’t know they were here because they don’t smell like smoke.” After doing some research on how Las Vegas casinos utilized fresh-air ventilation systems to keep guests awake and comfortable, Rueter was inspired to install a device of his own. “Providing a comfortable environment for customers is just good business,” he says. “It’s like clean bathrooms.”