Een artikel in de Wall Street Journal signaleert onder de titel "Smoke on the water" dat in de VS rookvrije cruises steeds minder gewoon beginnen te worden:
three smoke-free years, Renaissance Cruises is letting passengers light up." The dining area will remain smoke-free but they’re allowing smoking at the outdoor pool bar and an indoor bar. It’s not the best of accommodations
but it’s a start, especially when you read why they’re making the changes.
"The decision to allow smoking was based on feedback from patrons and
travel agents, plus focus-group research, says Renaissance spokesman Brad Ball. Smokers are customers we were turning away, he says. We’re doing more group business these days, and you’re always going to have somebody who may be a smoker."
Verder op in het artikel komt een reisorganisator aan het woord:
"About one-third of potential cruisers ask if they can smoke on board, says travel agent Porter Brown in St. Cloud, Fla. It’s particularly important to European customers, he notes."
De reden waarom men terugkomt van de beslissing om cruises geheel rookvrij te verklaren verrast niet echt:
"…nonsmoking ships generally earn less onboard revenue than ships with smoking sections. The casinos and bars are not as busy."
De woordvoerder zou het hierbij kunnen laten maar voegt er uiteindelijk nog veelbetekenend aan toe:
"Nonsmokers tend to go to bed earlier, gamble less and drink less. They’re just a healthier lot."
Waarvan acte……