De voordelen van roken
Van kust tot kust zal vanavond in de VS een interview worden uitgezonden met Dr. William Campbell Douglass, de man die een boek schreef over de voordelen van roken.
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De unanimiteit in de medische wereld rond de anti-rokenhype lijkt langzaamaan af te brokkelen. Steeds meer medische specialisten nemen afstand van de rigoureuze zwart-wit benadering van roken zoals die door anti-rokenextremisten wordt gepredikt.
The benefits of smoking tobacco have been known since ancient times. The anti-tobacco fanatics are in a tough spot. Reliable scientific research has turned up the horrible news that tobacco smoke is good for your health. Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Tourette’s Syndrome, even schizophrenia and cocaine addiction are disorders that are alleviated by tobacco. There is even evidence that tobacco helps to prevent colon and prostate cancer. You can’t imagine there being any health benefits from nicotine and the herb from which it comes — tobacco. You are in for a surprise, which I hope, will awaken you to the fact that the news media can “lie” by simply not reporting the research presenting the good side on a food or herb that is not politically correct. Let me state here that I am not endorsing the smoking of cigarettes. When you inhale smoke from cigarettes – and 99 percent of habitual cigarette smokers DO inhale – you are not only pulling hundreds of hot chemicals into the delicate alveoli of your lungs but you are inhaling the smoke of burning paper. BUT EVEN CIGARETTES, if smoked in moderation have been proven harmless.