`Bloomberg bedreigde wethouders`
Burgemeester Bloomberg van New York heeft vóór de stemmingen over belastingverhogingen en het totale rookverbod in de horeca van de stad wethouders, die niet vóór zijn voorstel wilden stemmen, bedreigd. De miljardair gaf aan dat hij miljoenen dollars zou gebruiken om campagnes te financieren die een herverkiezing van de bewuste wethouders zouden voorkomen.
Asked to explain what the mayor’s remarks meant, Davis said: “Basically, if you weren’t with him, he would do all that was in his power to make sure that you weren’t re-elected.”
“When a man, who has $5 billion, says ‘all that is in his power,’ you say one and one gives you two every time,” Davis continued. “When you can do basic math, you understood loud and clear what he was saying in that room.”
“He basically said to us, ‘It’s a dictatorship’ and that we will be punished if we vote democracy, if we vote our opinions, if we vote the opinion of our constituents,” Davis said. “It’s absolutely outrageous for him [Miller] to punish elected officials who voted the will of the people.”