CAN (Clean Air Now): 60 redenen om niet te roken

60 reasons for not smoking… and 100 keep on (or take up) smoking

Everywhere we see long lists of “good” reasons to quit smoking – and most of those reasons are either false or misleading information. We have taken one of those lists (by the original title of “Breathing Space”),and we have exposed and documented the misleading/false information for the benefit of the public.

While working on it, we have found 40 additional good reasons to keep on smoking. So, there you have them. Enjoy!

Breathing space

(a look at the world from a different angle)

Propaganda statements
Information Rating
  Misleading & Distorted
False & Speculative

Ridicolous & Humorous
Solution to Problem

Thinking space

(a look at the world from a rational angle)

Reality comments

60 reasons for not smoking

100 reasons to keep on (or take up) smoking

Personal health Personal health
1. Increases the risk of lung cancer misleading 1. Statistically, lung cancer occurs in only in 10% of the smokers – the large majority  well over 70 years of age – where statistical death occurs anyway. Click here for more information on statistical deaths, and here for lung cancer.
2. Increases the risk of emphysema misleading 2. So do (and in much greater amount) the millions of tons of carcinogenic substances daily discharged from motor vehicles in the atmosphere. Click here for more info, here for further information.
3. Increases the risk of cardio-vascular disease false 3. There is no proof of that. For more information, click here. For further information, click here. For other causes of “tobacco-related” diseases, click here.
4. Increases the risk of breast cancer false 4. The evidence shows no correlation, or even the opposite. Click here for more information.
5. Increases the risk of cancer of mouth, oesophagus and other forms of bronchial cancer distorted 5. Those are multifactorial diseases. The incidence of smoking on those diseases, if any, cannot be determined. For more information, click here.
6. Increases the risk of all forms of cancer not mentioned above speculative 6. The etiopathogenesis (origin) of cancer is unknown. It is impossible to attribute a cause to an effect if the cause of a phenomenon is unknown.
7. Increases the risk of stroke misleading 7. This is forcing the importance of a tiny element (smoking) over a vaste spectrum of far more important co-factors in stroke. In fact, almost anything can be a cause of stroke. Smoking is a co-factor so small, it is almost irrelevant.
8. Increases the risk of pneumonia false 8. Pneumonia is cause by a specific bacterium, enabled by hundreds of other co-factors, i.e.: cold temperatures. Smoking is a very, very weak and theoretical co-factor, as could be, for example, perfume.
9. Increases the risk of bronchitis distorted 9. Bronchitis has hundreds of inflamatory causes, i.e.: cold temperatures, allergies, and alcohol. Smoking (even inhaled in substantial doses) plays an infinitesimal role in bronchitis. Far more important is the body structure: a slim, non smoking individual with a small chest is exposed to a far greater risk of bronchitis than a heavy smoker with a large chest.
10. Increases the risk of diseases of the eye (e.g. Graves’ disease) misleading 10. The causes of the Graves’ disease are totally unknown. This is a complex disease; to evoke smoking as a risk of Graves’ disease is a ridicolous pretext.
11. Increases the risk of back complaints 11. Cigarettes are not that heavy! However, broken bones have been listed as “social cost” caused by smoking! Click here  for more information.
12. Increases the risk of ear complaints unproven 12. Old – and, as usual, unproven – statement of the antitobacco cartel. For more scientific information, click here.
13. Increases the risk of vascular constriction misleading 13. Information bent to suit a political agenda. There is no hard evidence of that. For more information, click here.
14. Increases the risk of respiratory disease misleading 14. Repetition of statements already made in this list, this time in other terms, to give volume to already false or misleading claims. See above links for information.
15. Affects breathing quality misleading 15. Repetition of statements already made in this list, this time in generic terms, to give volume to already false or misleading claims. See above links for information.
16.Affects the operation of the immune system false 16. There is absolutely no proof that smoking affects the operation of the immune system.
17. Causes deterioration of general physical condition misleading 17. Generic statement without value. Sex, food, and almost any human activity  causes deterioration of physical conditions. It is a function of quantity, and smoking is no exception.
18. Increases the chance of impotence (erection problems) false 18. There is absolutely no proof of that, of course. Smokers have been reproducing successfully for thousands of years. The most famous “lovers” were (and are) smokers. For more information, click here.
19. Increases the chance of infertility false 19. Another propagandistic statement related to point 18. Same comments and links apply.
20. Reduces the capacity of the blood to take in oxygen misleading 20. Technically, the statement is correct, but it is strictly a function of quantity and frequency. For example, chain smokers are largely more exposed to this possibillity than regular smokers.
21. Increases the risk of dental illness speculative 21. Statement not substantiated by facts. Proper dental hygene is necessary for all, and eliminates any “increased risk.” Moreover, according to the larger study ever performed on this topic, smokers have overall superior mouth health than non smokers.
Health of others Health of others
22. Increases the chance of miscarriage or damage to the foetus false 22. Information “borrowed” from the effects of alcohol, where that statement truly applies. For extensive information on smoking and pregnancy, click here. For further information, click here.
23. Lower birth weight of children distorted 23. Statistically speaking, the weight loss of the infants of smokers, if present at all, averages 4 grams. See also point 22 above.
24. Lower mental capacity (IQ) of children. false 24. There is absolutely no proof of that. Such statement raises serious doubts on the mental capacity (IQ) of those who make it.
25. Increased chance of SIDS (cot death) when the parents smoke false 25. Not only this statement is totally false, but it is also very despicable, for it aims at exploiting the emitions of those parents who are already the victims of a terrible tragedy. The causes of SIDS are totally unknown. For more information on this fraud, click here.
26. Increased chance of other causes of infant death misleading 26. Generic and meaningless statement added for the purpose of volume along the lines of point 25.
27. Affects the health of children misleading 27. Generic and meaningless statement added for the purpose of volume along the lines of point 26.
28. Affects the health of others in the environment false 28. The danges of passive smoke are a well-established statistical and scientific fraud. For extensive information on passive smoke, click here.
29. Sore eyes and eye diseases of others as a result of tobacco smoke misleading 29. When smoke in a room accumulates to the point of causing sore eyes, that is a clear indication of unsanitary ventilation. The absence of smoke does not make the situation any better, as the bacteria and the CO2 in the air are still present. In fact, smoke is a useful marker for those unsanitary conditions. There is no proof whatsoever that passive smoke causes eye disease. For more information on ventilation, click here.
30. Increases the chance of contamination during sexual contact (semen, fingers) 30. This is a fine one. Washing one’s hand, and the body (not just during sexual contact!) has always been a good practice, which antismokers in general don’t seem keen to follow, as we are constantly reminded by their whining about smelly hair, and clothes. Other than whining, there is no substance to the claim.
31. Increases the chance of disease due to drinking contaminated breast milk misleading 31. Although theoretically correct, the concentration of toxic substances in the breast milk is utterly insufficient to cause any harm whatsoever to the infant. By the parameters of that statement, many other everyday substances the mother is normally exposed to, cause far greater toxic concentrations in the breast milk.
Quality of life Quality of life
32. Physical addiction false 32. This is another landmark fraud of the antitobacco cartel resulting from the distortion of the definition of addiction – including “addiction” to nicotine — which is not addictive at all when marketed by the pharmaceutical industry to quit smoking! For more information about the “addictiveness” of nicotine, click here.
33. Psychological addiction misleading 33. This statement is a “spin-off” of statement 32. By the same logic, coffe is addictive, because for many, it inevitably comes after a meal, or first thing in the morning. And so are thousands of other substances, and habits.
34. Social addiction speculative 34. That assertion seems logical… to any crook! If the individual is addicted, then many “addicted” create a social addiction. The phenomenon is self-evident with the antitobacco aggregates, hopelessly addicted to fraud and distortion for a pay – an epidemic larger than any other previously known to man.
35. Loss of sense of smell misleading 35. A good misrepresentation must have a veneer of truth to be credible. Intense use of tobacco tends to “monopolise” the sense of smell, but the condition is temporary, and lasts about two-three minutes after smoking. That effect can be also be noted after the use of a toilette, or when exiting a perfume shop.
36. Loss of sense of taste misleading 36. Consequence of 35; same comments apply. The same effect can be noted after eating hot peppers, which should also be campaigned against for the same reasons.
37. Limitation of the possibility of maintaining a relationship 37. …Especially if the relationship is with an antismoker! But who wants a relationship with that kind of person, anyway?
38. Body odours 38. Once again, antismokers show great concern and fear for the use of the shower – to the point, apparently, of not being able to conceive its regular use. Perhaps this is because of the elevated number of accidents in shower stalls. It follows that a ban should be promoted to eliminate the shower risks — and the traumatic experience of washing for the antismoking lobbyists.
39 . Breath odours 39. It is the observation of many that non smokers have a fetid breath – perhaps because of the lack of the chemical action of nicotine. It is also possible that the “loss of sense of smell” discussed at point 35 helps smokers to withstand the breath of non smokers with great stoichism!
40. Evil smelling clothes 40. What said about showers applies to antismokers when it comes to clothes. The prolonged use of sweat-smelly clothes seems to give a buzz to antitobacco addicts, while making them quite ecological ineed… after all, dry cleaners and washing machines are expensive, and polluting. The scent of tobacco, which in times of greater wisdom it was used as a base for perfumes, is a no-no.
41. Yellow, unattractive hands misleading 41. “Yellow hands” have disappeared since the appearance of filter tip cigarettes, used by the huge majority of smokers nowadays. Also, yellow hands come with over half of the Asian population, but antismokers do not seem to find that unattractive – or do they?
42. Bye, white teeth! misleading 42. The colour of teeth (yellow or white) depends on the natural type of teeth. The prevailing colour of teeth is, in fact yellow, which also counts for a stronger contruction. And, then, there is regular brushing which, in these antismoking times, may be going the way of dry cleaners and shower stalls.
43. Premature ageing of skin leading to an older appearance misleading 43. This tactic is used to appeal to the “vanity” of women – showing in the process a good dose of chauvinism. In reality, wrinkling is part of the genetic make-up, and changes widely with the individual regardless of smoking. “Tan lamps”, so much used to enhance the “healthy” look of the health nuts and, apparently, facilitating skin cancer in the process, are much more responsible for wrinkling than smoking may ever be.
Domestic aspects Domestic aspects
44. Stale air indoors misleading 44. Excellent opportunity to open the windows, and to refresh and oxygenate indoor air for the benefit of all.
45. Increased fire risk 45. Time to ban gas stoves, lighters, portable heaters, and flammables at work and in the house. Safety first. Practical real life last.
46. Dirty walls and ceilings misleading 46. Domestic hygene – like personal hygene – is definitely not the “forte” of antismokers! Frequent cleaning of the house helps the removal of bacteria, grease and dust – often abundantly present in nonsmoking houses because not visible.
47. Dirty furniture, fittings and household goods misleading 47. See above. Nonsmoking houses tend to be dirtier than smoking houses, because they are not cleaned so frequently.
48. Filthy, smelly ashtrays misleading 48. The scent of tobacco enhances the environment of the smoker. Moreover, ashtrays can be beautifully decorative — and they can easily be kept clean.
49. Chance of poisoning children due to swallowing cigarette butts 49. Another fine one here! Clipped fingernails, spent condoms, shopping bags and key holders usually represent a much greater danger.
Social Social
50. Inconveniences others in the vicinity speculative 50. That may be. On the ohter hands, smoking prohibition inconveniences smokers in the vicinity. What makes an inconvenience worth more than another?
51. Handicap in social dealings then… 51. Stay away from social dealing with handicapped antismokers.
52. More difficult to get a job then… 52. Go work for smokers. They are often more pleasant, sociable and tolerant anyway. Moreover, many establishments where the management is smoking prefer smokers to nonsmokers to avoid potential conflicts.
53. More difficult to get a partner then… 53. Find a smoking partner. He/she is more fun anyway. If the relationship is serious, smoking will not matter. If quitting smoking becomes a condition for the relationship, that is a good indicator that the relationship is wrong.
54. Bad example to growing children misleading 54. Good example to growing children, for the alternative is often intolerance, bigotry, resentment, paternalism — and the child’s rebellion and intrigue with the “forbidden fruit”. Smokers are usually tolerant, easy-going people who teach their children the importance of diversity, and of different opinions, which makes for a better society.
General General
55. Constant fear of running out of cigarettes then… 55. Buy cigarettes in bulk. They are usually less expensive, too.
56. Often having to look for means of lighting cigarettes then… 56. Put matches or lighters in the pockets of all the clothes in the cabinet, even the ones you don’t wear at the moment. You will never run out of lights.
57. Often having to look for places where it’s possible and allowed to smoke then… 57. Dirsegard prohibition areas and smoke anyway. Fight to eliminate prohibition. Help to expose the antismoking frauds on primary and passive smoke. As a citizen, push for the cut off of state financing to antismoking.
58. Accidents caused by smoking in cars misleading 58. Recent major insurance studies have rated smoking in cars as the lowest risk of accidents. Talking and arguing in the vehicle, and setting audio equipment, are by far more dangerous.
59. Becoming a slave to the profit motive of the tobacco industry then… 59. Time to quit consuming all together… which includes not becoming a slave to the profit motive the pharmaceutical industry, as the pharma-paid antismokers want you to become.
60. and Oh! the enormous cost! true 60. and Oh! The enormous dishonesty of the state which, while endorsing antismoking frauds, makes 8 to 10 times more profit than the tobacco industry in taxes alone on tobacco products — a share of which often goes to antismoking activists who lie for a living. Time for an antitobacco-free, honest state!


Additional Reasons to keep on smoking, or to start smoking
Personal health
  61. Smoking protects against Parkinson disease. For more information, click here.
  62. Smoking improves human information precessing. For more information, click here.
  63. Higher nicotine cigarettes produce greater improvements [in information processing] than low-nicotine cigarettes. For more information, click here.
  64. Nicotine can reverse the detrimental effects of scopolamine on performance. For more information, click here.
  65. Smoking effects are accompanied by increases in EEG arousal and decreases in the latency of the late positive component of the evoked potential. For more information, click here.
  66. Smokers in general are thinner than nonsmokers, even when they ingest more calories. For more information, click here.
  67. “…All smokers had less plaque, gingival inflammation and tooth mobility than nonsmokers and similar periodontal pocket depth.” For more information, click here.
  68. Smokers have lower incidence of postoperative deep vein thrombosis than nonsmokers.
  69. Hypertension prevalence rate among smokers is lower than in nonsmokers. For more information, click here.
  70. “Hypertension and postpartum hemorrhage were lower in smokers.” For more information, click here.
  71. “RBCs [red blood cells] from cigarette smokers contain more glutathione and catalase and protect lung endothelial cells against O2 [dioxide] metabolites better than RBCs from nonsmokers.” For more information, click here.
  72. There is a low prevalence of smoking in ulcerative colitis. The disease often starts or relapses after stopping smoking. For more information, click here.
  73. Smokers have more reduced risks of Alzheimer’s disease than non smokers. For more information, click here.
  74.  Urinary cotinine concentration has confirmed the reduced risk of preeclampsia with tobacco exposure. For more information, click here.
  75. Smoking may protect against neural tube defects. For more information, click here.
  76. Maternal smoking may hinder mother-child transmission of Helicobacter pylori infection. For more information, click here.
  77. Research indicates that nicotine holds potential for non-surgical heart by-pass procedures. For more information, click here.
  78. Nicotine has positive effects on cognitive performance in Down’s syndrome. For more information, click here.
  79. Smoking has a positive effect on inflammatory bowel disease. For more information, click here.
  80. Not ONE of the over 100 diseases attributed to smoking can be PROVEN by sound scientific methodology to be “caused” by smoking.
Health of others
81. The huge passive smoke study the WHO tried to bury clearly shows that passive smoke has a protective effect on those who are close to the smoker. To download the original study, click here. Moreover, of the 100+ studies performed to date on passive smoking, only a small, minor one has shown a statistically significant increase of risk for the non smokers. All the others have not. For more information, click here.
Social, quality of life, economics, and political
  82. Smokers tend to be cleaner than non smokers, as they must wash themselves and their clothes more often.
  83. Smokers tend to be more tolerant and sociable than non smokers.
  84. Smokers tend to be more creative than non smokers.
  85. Smoking is a gratification of life.
  86. Smoking is cool.
  87. Smokers contribute billions of dollars more than non smokers to the world economy through tobacco taxation alone.
  88. Smoking has a relaxing effect on the individual and curbs the appetite, thus preventing overeating.
  89. Smokers are greater spenders than non smokers, thus further contributing to the wealth of society.
  90. The oldest people in the world are all smokers. For more information, click here.
  91. Most great geniuses of the last 500 years were smokers.
  92. Smoking men and women are sexier and more interesting than non smoking ones.
93. Compared to most other forms of pleasure, smoking is still the most economical.
94. Quitting smoking does not save any money to the smoker, as money is most often spent in disfunctional over-compensation through other (sometimes more dangerous) forms of pleasure.
95. Quitting smoking with smoking cessation drugs may expose the smoker to life-threathening dangers. For more information, click here.

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  • "Es ist schwieriger, eine vorgefaßte Meinung zu zertrümmern als ein Atom."
    (Het is moeilijker een vooroordeel aan flarden te schieten dan een atoom.)
    Albert Einstein

  • "Als je alles zou laten dat slecht is voor je gezondheid, dan ging je kapot"
    Anonieme arts

  • "The effects of other people smoking in my presence is so small it doesn't worry me."
    Sir Richard Doll, 2001

  • "Een leugen wordt de waarheid als hij maar vaak genoeg wordt herhaald"
    Joseph Goebbels, Minister van Propaganda, Nazi Duitsland

  • "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
    Mahatma Gandhi

  • "There''s no such thing as perfect air. If there was, God wouldn''t have put bristles in our noses"
    Coun. Bill Clement

  • "Better a smoking freedom than a non-smoking tyranny"
    Antonio Martino, Italiaanse Minister van Defensie

  • "If smoking cigars is not permitted in heaven, I won't go."
    Mark Twain

  • I've alllllllways said that asking smokers "do you want to quit?" and reporting the results of that question, as is, is horribly misleading. It's a TWO part question. After asking if one wants to quit it must be followed up with "Why?" Ask why and the majority of the answers will be "because I'm supposed to" (victims of guilt and propaganda), not "because I want to."
    Audrey Silk, NYCCLASH