Een onderzoek door het hoogste gezondheidsinstituut in de VS, het CDC, analyseerde 10.500 resultaten van allergietesten en ontdekten niet alleen dat het aantal gevallen van allergieën sinds de jaren 70 verdubbeld is, maar óók:
“Those at highest risk of showing allergic response were people ages 20 to 29, males, minorities, people living in the West, people living in old homes and people who were NOT exposed to cigarette smoke.”
Typisch dat het aantal astmagevallen sterk is toegenomen terwijl het aantal rokers juist afnam. Het lijkt er op dat deze anti-rokenhype meer nieuwe slachtoffers creëert dan wegneemt….
Skin tests involve applying an allergen extract to skin, which is then lightly scratched. If the area swells, the patient has antibodies to the allergen.
Researchers don’t know why positive skin tests, allergy and asthma are increasing. One theory is that people simply don’t go outside as often – Americans spend an estimated 90% of their time indoors – and have higher exposures to indoor allergens.
Another theory is that children become more vulnerable when they are exposed to fewer bacteria and viruses. Some researchers believe that has an effect on the developing immune system.
En wat te denken van Hormese?