Steeds meer tieners snuiven
Hoewel de strijd tegen tabak en marihuana in de VS redelijk succesvol lijkt te zijn, blijkt er een duistere kant aan te zitten: 12-14 jarigen nemen steeds meer hun toevlucht tot het snuiven van lijm, benzine of andere vluchtige, psychoactieve en potentiëel dodelijke stoffen.
Een op de twaalf kinderen uit die leeftijdsgroep geeft aan wel eens gesnoven te hebben en dat is meer dan het aantal kinderen dat marihuana heeft geprobeerd.
“While overall drug use among young people has declined substantially over the past three years, we must not lose our focus,” said John Walters, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy.
“Inhalant abuse remains a dangerous and potentially deadly behavior that parents need to be aware of.” The findings came from data collected in the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The survey defines inhalants as “liquids, sprays, and gases that people sniff or inhale to get high or to make them feel good.”
Most common inhalants are glue, shoe polish, gasoline and spray paint. The study also found that young people who used inhalants were about five times more likely than other youths to have used other illicit drugs. They also were six times as likely to have stolen or tried to steal something valued at more than $50.