Farmaceuten beïnvloeden zelfs prijs auto
De farmaceutische industrie is machtig. Dat weten we inmiddels.
Ze beïnvloeden de prijs van geneesmiddelen. Dat is logisch.
Ze beïnvloeden de onderzoeken over geneesmiddelen. Dat is bedenkelijk.
En ze beïnvloeden de mate van rokers-, zwaarlijvigen- en, straks ook, alcoholdrinkersdiscriminatie om hun producten te kunnen afzetten.
Maar, blijkens dit artikel van gezondheidsgoeroe Mercola, beïnvloeden ze óók de prijs van auto’s…..
The huge profits sought by drug companies have profound impacts on the economy, as evidenced by their impact on something seemingly unrelated–car prices.
Drug companies are the most powerful industry in the United States. Their grasp is far-reaching and it seems that very few aspects of the U.S. economy are unaffected. They also have a major influence on the majority of studies published and nearly all of medical education. This influence is what causes physicians to use their expensive symptomatic Band-Aids as solutions for people’s problems.
A large part of the reason why the drug companies have been able to get away with their outrageous prices is that the vast majority of people do not pay for their medications directly anymore. Insurance companies are picking up the tab.